Can you be a feminist and still want to have your chair pulled out for you?
I'd like to start this entry off by saying that I don't know much about feminism. It's not like I haven't known that feminism is about female rights and what not, but no one has ever told me what the definition of feminism is and what feminists stand for . So I apologize if I seem ignorant but that is because, well, I am ignorant on this topic.
The big question for me is - are there different kinds of feminists? Because while I've been flirting with the idea of calling myself a feminist for ages, I then get confronted with really hardcore feminists who just make me think, okay, maybe I'm not a feminist.
What does being a feminist mean? Because the way I've always understood it is that you want equality. That you just want the female sex to be equal to the male sex once and for all. And that you want equality without being given any kind of special treatment, like for example work-related quotas where firms are forced to hired a certain amount of women. That you don't want to be treated as an inferior sex object but as a real living person whose body does not need to be sexualized through cat calling, ass grabbing and other kinds of harrassment.
I have no idea if I'm right about any of that stuff, this is just what I always understood feminism as. But as I said, sometimes I run into feminists who are just so hardcore that I'm unsure whether my ideas of feminism are wrong.
Another thing I've been thinking about is the whole pulling chair out / opening door thing.. Being a feminist, does this mean you don't want to be 'treated like a lady' and have your chair pulled out for you? Because, I mean, I would love to have my chair pulled out for me or have someone open the door for me - not because I'm a woman but because I like to be treated nicely. You know?
I'm just really ignorant on this topic, although I'm trying to educate myself by reading a few books and what not. I would love to call myself a feminist because I feel like I am - but I don't feel like I know enough to actually call myself that. I don't know. It's just something I've been thinking about for a while.
NBC's Hannibal
I'm obsessed.
Mads Mikkelsen takes on the role of Hannibal Lecter and it is glorious. Obviously since Mads Mikkelsen is Danish, I had to give the show a try. Danish pride and all. And I'm so glad I did. I was a bit wary at first because to be frank, it seemed a bit boring. But it really isn't. It's gross and intriguing, and the cinematography is amazing.
It seems like the show has gained quite a large fandom on Tumblr, even after only three episodes, and I do find it a little bit strange because, well, it's Mads Mikkelsen they're all going nuts over. Well, him and Hugh Dancy. I don't know what it is about Mads but I just can't see him in any way other than an uncle sort of type. I used to fancy him when he was on Rejseholdet but now? No way.
I enjoy Hannibal and Will's friendship and I absolutely cannot wait to see where they're going to take it and how the show is going to progress. I imagine that it's only going to get more gross.
Have any of you seen it? What do you think about it?
Mads Mikkelsen spiller Hannibal Lecter og det er fantastisk. Eftersom at Mads Mikkelsen er dansker, blev jeg nødt til at give serien en chance. Stolt dansker og alt det der. Og jeg er så glad for at jeg gjorde det. Jeg var en smule skeptisk til at starte med, fordi det virkede kedeligt - men det er det virkelig ikke. Det er klamt, spændende og cinematografien er helt igennem fantastisk. Jeg er helt vild med venskabet mellem Hannibal og Will, og jeg kan overhovedet ikke vente med at se, hvor de vil føre det hen og hvordan showet vil udfolde sig. Jeg kan kun forestille mig, at det bliver klammere.
Har nogle af jer set serien? Hvad synes I?
Union J
I know, I know, typical boyband.
I didn't like them at first because they were so similar to the big boyband, One Direction, but they've grown on me and they've improved and changed a lot during the X Factor.
Especially Jaymi Hensley has a lot to say in me liking them. While the others are cute (especially George Shelley) their voices aren't that great. but Jaymi... wow. He's got a great personality and a fantastic voice. He's the full package.
If you don't know who Jaymi is, just look for the one with the amazing voice. He's precious and I love him.
Jeg kunne faktisk ikke lide Union J til at starte med. De mindede mig for meget om One Direction men de har udviklet sig utrolig meget mens de har været på X Factor. Jaymi Hensley, som er den af de fire drenge som har den bedste stemme, er helt klart en af de største grunde til, at jeg kan lide dem. Hans stemme er fantastisk og han er bare en awesome person.
I've been wanting to get bangs for a while and I finally got around to getting it done :)

What do you think?
I went shopping with my dad today, and I got quite a few nice things :)

Germany's national team's T-shirt, 40€/300DKK, bought in Sportsmaster (but can probably be purchased in every sports store)
I actually already have a T-shirt like this but it's an older model. I'm hoping to get Bastian Schweinsteiger's last name on this. Or just Schweini, that might be shorter and cheaper, haha.

Short rainbow T-shirt, 5.3€/40DKK, bought in Gina Tricot.
I'm in love with this. It's a bit short - perhaps because it's a small - but I think it's cool. And if it's a hot day, it's just perfect. Plus, the rainbow is kind of cool, isn't it?

Long, thin, full sleeved shirt, 24.2€/180DKK, bought in H&M.
I saw it, tried it and had to have it. There was just no way I could leave without it. I love it.

T-shirt, 13.4€/100DKK, bought in a little store in Esbjerg called Rød&Hvid.
This is probably the most comfortable yet still good-looking shirt I've ever bought. It's kind of low-cut but not too much, you know? It's really, really comfortable and I love wearing it!

Dress, 26,8€/200DKK, bought in Gina Tricot.
A proper summer dress, eh? It's comfortable and you can easily move in it - but at the same time it highlights your curves. It's awesome.
I also bought the movie, Easy A, featuring Emma Stone, and I just finished watching it half an hour ago, and I can definitely recommend it! Other than that, I bought a badge that says 'Born this way', hehe.
I Think I love you by Allison Pearson
I bought this book, like, two years ago but I haven't gotten around to reading it until now.

I started reading it a few days ago, and I'm about a hundred pages into it. I know I should probably wait with recommending it until I'm done with it but I just really love it. It's a very well written book with amazing characters. The book is split in two parts, one that takes part in 1974 and one that takes part in 1998. I'm still in part one. It's about two different people; Petra and Bill.
Petra is 13 years old when the book begins and she is, as everyone was back in the 70s, crazy about David Cassidy. She's thinks she's going to marry him and it's really cute, especially if you've ever felt that way yourself. She's kind of a follower and has just recently been 'accepted' into this group of girls; Gillian being the leader, the queen, the one every other girl in the group sucks up to.
Bill is around 22 years old and has just finished studying University in Sussex. He now works for a magazine where he ghostwrites letters from David Cassidy who he really can't stand. He's not much of a people person and complains a lot. He does have quite a great sense of humor, though, so he's not all bad. You'll learn to love him.
What's supposed to happen in part one (which I haven't reached yet) is that Petra and her friend Sharon enter a contest to win a meeting with David Cassidy and wins, even though they don't find out until 24 years later. Probably has something to do with Petra's mom, she's a weird one, that one.
In part two Bill is now the magazine's publisher and Petra finds the letter that states that they won and now, 24 years later, they fly out to Las Vegas to meet their hero - and Bill flies with them.
Fun fact: The title, I think I love you, is taken from one of David Cassidy's songs.
It's definitely worth a read, especially if you've ever been hopelessly in love with a celebrity.
Bogen handler om en pige ved navn Petra, som er håbløst forelsket i David Cassidy, som var datidens Justin Bieber, og en fyr ved navn Bill, som er godt træt af sit arbejde, hvor han skriver breve på vegne af Cassidy, som hver måned bliver udgivet i det blad, han arbejder for. Petra og hendes veninde, Sharon, deltager i en konkurrence om at vinde et møde (eller sådan noget i den retning) med David - og vinder! Dette finder de dog ikke ud af før 24 år senere. Sammen med Bill, som nu er bladets udgiver, flyver de to piger til Las Vegas for at møde deres helt.
Bogen er helt klart værd at læse, specielt hvis man nogensinde har været håbløst forelsket i en kendt.
A few hours ago my dad and I decided to jump into the car and drive to the beach, even though the weather isn't very great and I managed to take a few great pics :)

Min far og jeg besluttede os for at tage til stranden syd for Blåvand, selvom vejret ikke er det bedste, og jeg fik taget et par gode billeder :)
Cher Lloyd is flawless
Recently I've been obsessed with Cher Lloyd's new single, Want U Back.
The first time I heard of her was when she was on The X Factor UK in 2010. Well, I watched her audition and I thought she was kind of great. I didn't really pay much attention to her after that since TXF UK doesn't air in my country and hitting her up on YouTube after every performance was too much work and I would probably forget.
The next I heard from her was Swagger Jagger which everyone seemed to think was an embarrassment to the UK so I had a negative view of the song from the start and therefore didn't like it much. It has grown on me, though.
Then I heard Want U Back a week ago thanks to Savan who I follow on Twitter, and at first I thought it was kind of catchy and now... Now I'm just playing it 24/7!
What do you guys think of it?
Jeg er besat af Cher Lloyds nye single, Want U Back. Jeg har kendt hende siden hun var på det engelske X Factor i 2010, men har ikke rigtigt fulgt op på hende siden da, pånær hendes sang, Swagger Jagger, som jeg startede ud med ikke at kunne lide. Jeg er takket være Savan blevet helt vild med den her sang - den er simpelthen bare alt for fængende.
Hvad synes I?
I miss Harry Potter
I honestly think I've just realized that it's over, and now I miss it like hell.
Hello and welcome to my blog.
I've tried to run a blog once before and I was unsuccessful. I guess the main reason was that I grew out of the name. In the end, I found it too annoying, and I haven't been on my other blog for at least half a year. But now I've chosen to use my own name so hopefully I won't grow out of it since, you know, it's my name and I have to live with it for the rest of my life.
I suppose I should introduce myself since the only other information you get about me is the very short description.
Well, my name is Emma, and I'm 17 years old. I live in a little town in Denmark, which is a little country in Scandinavia, Europe.
I'm in my first year of the Danish high school - well, technically you can't compare the Danish school system to the American, but high school is pretty close.
I want to be a journalist when I get older, and yeah, I know, pretty risky choice of career, considering how many people actually want to be journalists, haha. But that's what I want to do.
Besides this blog, I spend a lot of time on Tumblr and Twitter, which are the two things I'm addicted to.
I love listening to music, and my favorite band is Tokio Hotel, so you'll probably see them here from time to time. I'm also a fan of the English/Irish boyband, One Direction, so maybe they'll appear here too.
I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter series, and yeah, I'm sad as hell that it's over. I adore Supernatural, and the Winchesters will probably make an apperance on this blog as well.
I guess I don't have anything else to say, haha.
I hope you'll enjoy my blog.