I Think I love you by Allison Pearson

I bought this book, like, two years ago but I haven't gotten around to reading it until now.
I started reading it a few days ago, and I'm about a hundred pages into it. I know I should probably wait with recommending it until I'm done with it but I just really love it. It's a very well written book with amazing characters. The book is split in two parts, one that takes part in 1974 and one that takes part in 1998. I'm still in part one. It's about two different people; Petra and Bill. 
Petra is 13 years old when the book begins and she is, as everyone was back in the 70s, crazy about David Cassidy. She's thinks she's going to marry him and it's really cute, especially if you've ever felt that way yourself. She's kind of a follower and has just recently been 'accepted' into this group of girls; Gillian being the leader, the queen, the one every other girl in the group sucks up to. 
Bill is around 22 years old and has just finished studying University in Sussex. He now works for a magazine where he ghostwrites letters from David Cassidy who he really can't stand. He's not much of a people person and complains a lot. He does have quite a great sense of humor, though, so he's not all bad. You'll learn to love him.
What's supposed to happen in part one (which I haven't reached yet) is that Petra and her friend Sharon enter a contest to win a meeting with David Cassidy and wins, even though they don't find out until 24 years later. Probably has something to do with Petra's mom, she's a weird one, that one. 
In part two Bill is now the magazine's publisher and Petra finds the letter that states that they won and now, 24 years later, they fly out to Las Vegas to meet their hero - and Bill flies with them. 
Fun fact: The title, I think I love you, is taken from one of David Cassidy's songs.
It's definitely worth a read, especially if you've ever been hopelessly in love with a celebrity.
Bogen handler om en pige ved navn Petra, som er håbløst forelsket i David Cassidy, som var datidens Justin Bieber, og en fyr ved navn Bill, som er godt træt af sit arbejde, hvor han skriver breve på vegne af Cassidy, som hver måned bliver udgivet i det blad, han arbejder for. Petra og hendes veninde, Sharon, deltager i en konkurrence om at vinde et møde (eller sådan noget i den retning) med David - og vinder! Dette finder de dog ikke ud af før 24 år senere. Sammen med Bill, som nu er bladets udgiver, flyver de to piger til Las Vegas for at møde deres helt.
Bogen er helt klart værd at læse, specielt hvis man nogensinde har været håbløst forelsket i en kendt.


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