Cher Lloyd is flawless

Recently I've been obsessed with Cher Lloyd's new single, Want U Back.
The first time I heard of her was when she was on The X Factor UK in 2010. Well, I watched her audition and I thought she was kind of great. I didn't really pay much attention to her after that since TXF UK doesn't air in my country and hitting her up on YouTube after every performance was too much work and I would probably forget.
The next I heard from her was Swagger Jagger which everyone seemed to think was an embarrassment to the UK so I had a negative view of the song from the start and therefore didn't like it much. It has grown on me, though.
Then I heard Want U Back a week ago thanks to Savan who I follow on Twitter, and at first I thought it was kind of catchy and now... Now I'm just playing it 24/7!
What do you guys think of it?
Jeg er besat af Cher Lloyds nye single, Want U Back. Jeg har kendt hende siden hun var på det engelske X Factor i 2010, men har ikke rigtigt fulgt op på hende siden da, pånær hendes sang, Swagger Jagger, som jeg startede ud med ikke at kunne lide. Jeg er takket være Savan blevet helt vild med den her sang - den er simpelthen bare alt for fængende. 
Hvad synes I?

Postat av: Amiee Whitney

I live by her, well her proper home where all her family is.

Svar: Really? That's sorta really cool! :)
Emma Lillelund

2012-07-09 @ 22:38:44

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