Union J

I know, I know, typical boyband.
I didn't like them at first because they were so similar to the big boyband, One Direction, but they've grown on me and they've improved and changed a lot during the X Factor. 
Especially Jaymi Hensley has a lot to say in me liking them. While the others are cute (especially George Shelley) their voices aren't that great. but Jaymi... wow. He's got a great personality and a fantastic voice. He's the full package.
If you don't know who Jaymi is, just look for the one with the amazing voice. He's precious and I love him.
Jeg kunne faktisk ikke lide Union J til at starte med. De mindede mig for meget om One Direction men de har udviklet sig utrolig meget mens de har været på X Factor. Jaymi Hensley, som er den af de fire drenge som har den bedste stemme, er helt klart en af de største grunde til, at jeg kan lide dem. Hans stemme er fantastisk og han er bare en awesome person.

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