Can you be a feminist and still want to have your chair pulled out for you?

I'd like to start this entry off by saying that I don't know much about feminism. It's not like I haven't known that feminism is about female rights and what not, but no one has ever told me what the definition of feminism is and what feminists stand for . So I apologize if I seem ignorant but that is because, well, I am ignorant on this topic.
The big question for me is - are there different kinds of feminists? Because while I've been flirting with the idea of calling myself a feminist for ages, I then get confronted with really hardcore feminists who just make me think, okay, maybe I'm not a feminist.
What does being a feminist mean? Because the way I've always understood it is that you want equality. That you just want the female sex to be equal to the male sex once and for all. And that you want equality without being given any kind of special treatment, like for example work-related quotas where firms are forced to hired a certain amount of women. That you don't want to be treated as an inferior sex object but as a real living person whose body does not need to be sexualized through cat calling, ass grabbing and other kinds of harrassment. 
I have no idea if I'm right about any of that stuff, this is just what I always understood feminism as. But as I said, sometimes I run into feminists who are just so hardcore that I'm unsure whether my ideas of feminism are wrong. 
Another thing I've been thinking about is the whole pulling chair out / opening door thing.. Being a feminist, does this mean you don't want to be 'treated like a lady' and have your chair pulled out for you? Because, I mean, I would love to have my chair pulled out for me or have someone open the door for me - not because I'm a woman but because I like to be treated nicely. You know?
I'm just really ignorant on this topic, although I'm trying to educate myself by reading a few books and what not. I would love to call myself a feminist because I feel like I am - but I don't feel like I know enough to actually call myself that. I don't know. It's just something I've been thinking about for a while.

NBC's Hannibal

I'm obsessed.
Mads Mikkelsen takes on the role of Hannibal Lecter and it is glorious. Obviously since Mads Mikkelsen is Danish, I had to give the show a try. Danish pride and all. And I'm so glad I did. I was a bit wary at first because to be frank, it seemed a bit boring. But it really isn't. It's gross and intriguing, and the cinematography is amazing. 
It seems like the show has gained quite a large fandom on Tumblr, even after only three episodes, and I do find it a little bit strange because, well, it's Mads Mikkelsen they're all going nuts over. Well, him and Hugh Dancy. I don't know what it is about Mads but I just can't see him in any way other than an uncle sort of type. I used to fancy him when he was on Rejseholdet but now? No way.
I enjoy Hannibal and Will's friendship and I absolutely cannot wait to see where they're going to take it and how the show is going to progress. I imagine that it's only going to get more gross.
Have any of you seen it? What do you think about it?
Mads Mikkelsen spiller Hannibal Lecter og det er fantastisk. Eftersom at Mads Mikkelsen er dansker, blev jeg nødt til at give serien en chance. Stolt dansker og alt det der. Og jeg er så glad for at jeg gjorde det. Jeg var en smule skeptisk til at starte med, fordi det virkede kedeligt - men det er det virkelig ikke. Det er klamt, spændende og cinematografien er helt igennem fantastisk. Jeg er helt vild med venskabet mellem Hannibal og Will, og jeg kan overhovedet ikke vente med at se, hvor de vil føre det hen og hvordan showet vil udfolde sig. Jeg kan kun forestille mig, at det bliver klammere. 
Har nogle af jer set serien? Hvad synes I?

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